Wednesday 27 November 2013

Salmonellosis in Poultry Birds - Killing profits


The gram negative rod shaped bacteria common in poultry are
g   Salmonella pullorum
g   Salmonella gallinarum
g   Salmonella typhimurium

Pullorum Disease
Causative agentSalmonella pullorum.
Incidence and distribution- Chickens all over the world.

g   Vertically through hatching eggs.
g   Horizontal through litter, feed and water.

g   High mortality in chicks below 3 weeks of age.
g   Excessive numbers of embryos dead in shell.
g   Chick death shortly after hatching.
g   Tendency to huddle.
g   Respiratory distress.
g   Loss of appetite
g   Soiled vent with white viscous droppings.
g   Occasionally swollen joints.
g   Dropped egg production in layers.

Gross Lesions

g   Sudden mortality

g   Peritonitis with inflamed, unabsorbed yolk sac. 

Fibrinous peritonitis of poultry bird in salmonellosis

  g   Liver enlarged and congested . 

Enlarged liver of layer bird with rounded edges

          g   Congested or anemic kidneys with distended ureters with urates as shown

Urates present in uraters of layer birds

g   Enlarged spleen.
Spleenomegaly in Pullorum Disease
g   Lungs may be congested.

g   Caeca are enlarged and distended with casts of hard, dry necrotic material. 


g   Ovaries irregular, misshapen, cystic, discoloured and pedunculated with prominent thickness and stalks.
Chronic fowl typhoid - pedunculated (mishappened)
ovary follicles

Pericarditis - Heart showing white nodulor lesions
g   Abdominal peritonitis, arthritis and pericarditis.
Odema of tibio tarsal in Salmonellosis (arthritis)

g   Discrete small white necrotic focl are often found in liver.
Liver showing copper sheen in salmonellosis 

g   Degenerative changes and necrosis of liver parenchyma with infiltration of mononuclear cells.

Mononuclear infiltration
g   Degenerative changes and focal necrotic areas of liver parenchyma with congestion and haemorrhages. 

g   Confirmative diagnosis by isolation and identification of S. pullorum.

Salmonella growth on XLD agar for cultural diagnosis

g   Serology by rapid plate agglutination test.

Salmonella pullorum Antigen

LAH Pullorum Stained Antigen for Plate Agglutination Test (Material No. 10100762). This antigen is a suspension of five (5) killed, stained strains (4, 11, 77, 79 and 296) of Salmonella pullorum for serum plate agglutination (SPA) testing of chicken and turkey flocks.

Treatment of Salmonellosis:

There are several products available in the market to treat salmonella infection.

COLIDOX: Prevention of Salmonellosis

Composition :
Each kg contains:
• Colistin Sulphate : 1000 mg
• Doxycycline : 10,000 mg
• Excipient : Q.S.

Broilers & Layers: 500 g per ton of feed
Breeders: 1 kg per ton of feed

COLIGRO: For therapeutic use

Colistin Sulphate  for oral suspension USP (10%)

Usage: 1g/5lit for 7days

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